Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sultana DownRigging Weekend - Day 4 - Sun

Breakfast not at Tiffany's, but pretty good anyway. Gingered applesauce, local spiced peaches, oatmeal, coffee from Sam's. Amish sticky buns. I get the stove going after a few false starts, figure out we need more juice. We've gone three days on battery power. Graham Ero visits. We go sailing. Rescue Meerwaldians from their mud-bound ship. They jump aboard bearing biscuits. A very water-proof recipe. We eat lunch. Pete leaves and Pete comes. Byar exchanged for Siegal. The sun comes out at last - sort of. We move our berth for shore power. John & John dry out our power cords and pig tail. Bed making. John fixes more stuff. That light had been wonky since Barnegat. Jack, the pirate pumpkin peers in.

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